...and in a Figure Painting

Halftone 2 deepened with Dark 1 and enriched with a touch of Cadmium Orange.

Dark 1.
The light halftone on the upper arm is Light 2 grayed just slightly with Neutral 5.

Halftone 1 plus Chromium Oxide Green.
he Portrait Institute Color System is ideal for figure painting. The two darks, two halftones, and three lights combine with touches from the standard colors to achieve the wide array of subtle colors and tones that are needed in a figure painting. The key to success is familiarity with what happens when two colors combine. That is where your patience in painting the Portrait Institute chart — and committing the results to memory — comes into practical use. Here are some examples...
The shadow is Dark 1 deepened with Chromium Green Oxide.
This light is Light 2 grayed with Neutral 5.
The reflected light is a combination of Halftone 1 and Halftone 2..

The reflected light is Halftone 2 enriched with touches of Venetian Red and Cadmium Orange.
And now good luck to you as you continue to master
the Portrait Institute color combinations! Remember
that observation is your great teacher...
Very best regards,
John Howard Sanden